Saturday, January 23, 2010

God's address

If God is the continuum in which events flow, then there’s every reason to identify ourselves with him… because we are really the continuum in which events flow.


  1. So God's address is you and your not home right? And, left no forwarding address.

    2 is less than 3 can be proven with science. Noting in terms of God can be proven with science. That's why it's so perfect. It can be neither proved nor disproved. It's all about belief. While I'm not saying I agree with him I think Pascal said it best, "It's better to believe and be wrong because you have lost nothing. Where as if you don't believe and your wrong you have lost everything." (paraphrased)
    But I don't agree with that. If you believe and your wrong haven't you based your life, actions, and out come on some man made doctrine? Fallen for the dogma and shyed away or "cast out" feelings or desires you would have acted on were it not for the pie in the sky you chose to believe? Wouldn't that indeed be losing much? The catch 22 is that it's not believed to be made all clear to us until the end game. When it's too late and doesn't make any difference.
    Real or not, I supposed we will all get a chance to find out.
    I'm agnostic in that I don't believe in a "God" as we are tought. I think religion (i.e. "God/Gods") was created as a means to control the masses. However; I'm not opposed to the ideal of a higher force. But, rather than a "being" (because that has far too many human connotations), maybe it's more of an energy. The energy from all living things. Positive and negative. A lifeforce so to speak. The question would be is this lifeforce conscious? Does it have an agenda? Should it? I don't know. And frankly, maybe we aren't entitled to know. Although, if there WAS some undeniable, unquestionable proven truth it may have stopped many wars and death over the years. Maybe.

  2. Or maybe we just give ourselves that illusion. We're like drug addicts, addicted to ourselves, denying that Thing that's right before us, and He is that patient friend who's trying to do what's best for us, keeping us in that room, locked, trying to keep the drugs away from us until we've gotten through with our withdrawals and ready to live a better life.
